Monday, March 23, 2009

Front Flowerbed - Part 1

We finally planted the front flower bed. The first year was just some pots sitting around in the area as we'd just dug out the overgrown shrubs and cleared the weeds and had no idea what we wanted to do. We later revamped the space by covering the area with pea gravel and again did potted plants. Dogs and kids proved the pea gravel idea to be a faulty one. A couple other iterations and finally we just planted the thing.

...and not like I normally plant stuff. There were no propagated babies or split plants in this bed. My DH took me to the garden center and we got already growing well plants. It was a whole new experience for me. LOL... New beds include Nandina, Geranium, Gerbera Daisy, Lobelia, and Impatiens.

(Photos were taken w/phone camera right after planting.)

To keep the dogs and kids out of the planted beds, we did go ahead and surround the beds with some fencing. I'm hoping that, someday, this will be able to come down without causing the death of the plants in the flowerbed and thereby, the death of the dogs.

To reduce mud playing and messes around the water, DH set down some bricks which have already proved to have been a wonderful idea!

The garden is growing and I'm very excited. Now I just have to get the bed space on the other side of the front door completed so we can get it planted as well.

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